4 Tips to Keep Your Rental Property Safe as a Landlord

As a landlord, you have to worry about many different aspects of managing a rental property. One of the main ones is the security of the properties you’ve invested in. Considering that you will likely have multiple properties and it will be impossible to cluster all of your investments in the same area, you will have to think of security solutions that will give you some peace of mind even when you’re away from the property. With that said, here are four tips that will help you keep your rental property safe as a landlord. 


#1 Door security

For starters, make sure to improve the door security at your property, including all external doors on site. Whether you decide to install new, heavy-duty doors or change the locking mechanism to ensure more security, make sure you do so at each entrance. Another thing you can consider is installing deadbolt locks, as these make it much more difficult to break in. Chain locks and peepholes are a few additional features that can take door security up a notch.

#2 Add lighting

After securing each entrance, it’s a good idea to add some outdoor lights to illuminate the surrounding areas. Doing so will reduce the chances of breakin attempts and thus enhance the safety of the property. Think about installing a front porch light along with a motion sensor that turns the lights on automatically when someone approaches the property. This is one of the cheapest ways to prevent crime, as no one wants to risk breaking into a property that is protected by motion sensors.

#3 Security cameras

If you’re open to putting a bit more money into security purposes, consider installing security cameras around the property. These security systems used to be expensive but they’ve gotten significantly cheaper over the last couple of years. Having cameras will give you and the tenants more peace of mind knowing that the very presence of these devices can prevent robbers from making any attempts. Make sure to install cameras at the entryway, stairwells, and at the back of the property as well.

#4 Add window locks

Last but not least, if you’re going to install security cameras, then you may as well go all in and add window locks as well. Windows that have a locking mechanism are an important security feature that your property shouldn’t be missing. After all, you don’t want to install windows that can be opened from the outside. If your property already features that kind of windows, you can install additional locks to prevent people from breaking in.

#5 Screen tenants

A risk to the safety and security of your property is the tenants that you choose. Fortunately, there are now lots of ways that you can screen tenants such as tenant screening services on the internet or use a property management service or letting agency to conduct screenings. You can ask for references from employers as well as character references. Remember, your gut instinct is usually correct but you will often need a viable reason to refuse a tenant application.

Ready to Manage Your First Income Property? 

As much as adding cameras and window locks is important for the security of your investment property, one of the best ways to keep it safe is to screen tenants before letting them rent the place. The tenants can pose a threat to the safety of the property as much as any outside intruder. Therefore, make sure to select trustworthy tenants to avoid any issues down the road. If you need help to purchase your first income property with or without your own money, schedule a free discovery call to see if I can help you get there!


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